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Camp History





The Somers School Camp site has not always been used for children's camps.  

The original camp buildings were erected in the 1940's on land purchased under the National Securities Act to be used as an Initial Training Centre for the Royal Australian Air Force.  Many Victorian airmen passed through the camp during the war years.


After the war in 1947, the camp was bought by a private group who made extensive alterations and for some time ran as a private holiday resort called 'Future Holidays".


The Commonwealth Government re-acquired the land to cope with the growing influx of migrants after the war.  The camp became a 'holding centre' for migrant families during their adjustment period before entering the work force and obtaining accommodation of their own in the community.


When no longer needed as a Migrant Centre the camp was purchased by the Education Department and altered by the Public Works Department to the requirements of a school camp.


In September 1959 the first camp occurred with the entry of 100 boys from the St Kilda Inspectorate.  


The official opening was held on the 27th of November 1959 and was carried out by the then Governor of Victoria, His Excellency, Sir Dallas Brooks.


The camps alternated boys camps and girls camps until  August of 1976 when four new purpose built dormitory blocks were erected, which replaced all the sleeping huts. This enabled the camps to become co-educational with 80 boys and 80 girls attending at the same time.


In the following years the camp has continued to be up-dated with additions such as an exciting Environmental Studies/Art complex, an indoor Rock Climbing Center, a new double Flying Fox, Challenge Swing and a range of other high quality outdoor adventure activities.




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