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Evening Activities


Each night all 160 student come together as one, to participate in Evening Activites for an hour.

New Games - Night 1

Making new friends and getting to know your group are the aims of this night.


Somers staff will lead you through lots of fun and sometimes challenging games and activities which will help you to interact with the other kids in your group and learn their names.


We will start to build the basis of a new community at Somers Camp. 

Night Hike - Night 2

Exploring Somers Camp and the surrounding bushland at night is an amazing experience.


You and your group, torches in hand, will be lead through the darkness on a journey through the bush. If you are quiet you may encounter some of the native wildlife.


Possums, koalas, sugar gliders and wallabies are often spotted and on a clear night the stars can be seen a well.


Your walk will finish on the beach, where you will meet up with the other groups and make you way back to camp.

Bush Dance - Night 3

Get your  workboots and your checked shirt on and find a partner because you're going to experience a traditional bushdance.


We'll teach you how to do the 'Heal and Toe Polka', the 'Mexican Hat Dance' and 'Stockyards'.


The night concludes with a 'whole camp' progressive dance. This will give you the opportunity to dance with all the kids in the other groups and you might even be lucky enough the get a dance with your Visiting Teacher!

Concert - Night 4 & 7

You will participate in 2 concerts while you are at camp.


One of the concerts will be your night to shine, because you will perform with your group on stage.


The other concert night will give you the opportunity to be an audience member so you can watch and enjoy the performances of the other groups.


Rehearsing your skit, getting dressed up, putting on make-up and performing are all part of the fun.

Tabloid Sports - Night 5

Pirates and  galleons await you on this night of exciting fun games that will bring out your competitive side.


You will be organised into small teams and challenged to 

undertake various physical tasks while being timed.


Scores are kept and rivalries with be made as you use your teamwork skills to conquer the activities.


A pesky 'pirate ghost' may appear during the evening to

entertain and sometimes interfere with your quest to be the 

champions of the night.

Disco - Night 6

The disco ball will be turning, the lights will be flashing and the atmosphere will be electric, all in readiness for the disco.


You will be dancing to the music of your favorite new songs and a few old favorites will be thrown into the mix as you enjoy the fun with your new friends.


Throughout the evening a dance competition will take place which will give you the opportunity to bust out your best moves, on stage, for all to see.

Campfire - Night 8

The final activity at camp brings with it a special night of fellowship and reflection.


We'll sit around the fire and sing some songs, tell some stories and enjoy the company of our new friends.


As we sing our 'Campfire Song' together as a camp, we'll celebrate our achievments and reflect on the past 8 days.

© 2014 Somers School Camp 

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